About Us

First of all, thank you for being here. You’re here to talk about growing your business. It may be, like many business owners and directors I talk to, you’re one of three things. Confused by all the platforms and tactics. Overwhelmed with the amount of information out there. Or quite simply, you don’t know where to start. What will work and what’s a waste of time and money.

It’s my job to give you clarity on what needs to get done. To help you and your team focus on the job at hand. By creating a plan, the systems and processes to retain and attract clients you can help.

I take you from frustrated to confident. I work with my specialist network of brilliant creatives to get the job done. Together we optimise each stage of the customer journey, managed and delivered under The Doo Method™.

Trust me, it will change how you view and doo marketing forever.

Marianne Smith FCIM

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